General Instruction
1. During school hours- student must be in uniform .Those who do not look neat and tidy will be sent back after assembly.

2. Parents & Guardian are not allowed to see their wards during school hours.

3. Parents & Guardian are not allowed to interview teachers during school hours without the Permission of principal.

4. In all matter the decision of the principal of the will be final.

5. Interview with the principal can be held during school hours only fixed time i.e. 10 am to 12 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

6. The child will bring their lunch from the house , No child will be allowed to go home for Lunch.The student will not be provided lunch to them.

7. Student should bring a clean table napkin along with their lunch boxes , otherwise they will not allowed to have their lunch.

8. No student will allowed to go away from the school during school –hours without a Previous written application from the parents stating reasonable causes.

9. No Student is allowed to bring money to school.

10. One Educational tour is necessary for all children. Their charges will be paid by the Parents.

11. Full co-operation of the parents in all the school activities is solicited.

12. Student, who are not punctual for school, will be marked absent .No retest will be held and no position will be given in final exam.

13. Student who are not for school,will be marked late in the school register . They Will be communicated to the parents with the term result.

14. Student who will come late they will not allowed to enter the school gate without the Permission of principal.

15. No T.C. will be issued until all the sums due of the school are settled.

Contact Details

Telephone:05412-243816, 09451362390

Uttar Pradesh

How To Reach